
Religious Observances

Blessing of Homes – Schedule 2022 now available

By | General Information/News, Religious Observances

It is the time of the year where members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana may have homes blessed by Father Marko. The 2022 Schedule for Blessing of Homes is now available below.


    • From Monday, January 24th to Sunday, February 6th


    • From Monday, February 7th to Thursday, February 10th


    • From Friday, February 11th to Sunday, February 20th


    • From Monday, February 21st to Sunday, February 27th


    • Monday, February 28th


    • From Tuesday, March 1st to Sunday, March 6th


    • From Monday, March 7th to Sunday, March 20th


    • From Monday, March 21st to Thursday March 24th


    • From Friday, March 25th to Sunday, April 3rd


    • From Monday, April 4th to Sunday, April 10th


    • From Monday, April 11th to Wednesday April 20th



    • Од понедељка, 24. јануара до недеље, 6. фебруара


    • Од понедељка, 7. фебруара до четвртка, 10. фебруара


    • Од петка, 11. фебруара до недеље, 20. фебруара


    • Од понедељка, 21. фебруара до недеље, 27. фебруара


    • Понедељак, 28. фебруар


    • Од уторка, 1. марта до недеље, 6. марта


    • Од понедељка, 7. марта до недеље, 20. марта


    • Од понедељка, 21. марта до четвртка, 24. марта


    • Од петка, 25. марта до недеље, 3. априла


    • Од понедељка, 4. априла до недеље, 10. априла


    • Од понедељка, 11. априла до среде, 20. априла

The meaning of the Great Blessing of Water – Holy Theophany – Wednesday, Jan. 19

By | General Information/News, Religious Observances

Join us for Divine Liturgy beginning Wednesday, Jan. 19 at 9:00 a.m. for the Great Blessing of Water celebrating Holy Theophany at St. Sava Church, Merrillville, Indiana.

This observance commemorates Christ’s baptism by John the Forerunner in the River Jordan, and the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry. The Feast of Theophany is the culmination of the Christmas Season. In mystic commemoration of this event, the Great Blessing of Water is performed on this day, and the holy water so blessed is used by the local priest to bless the homes of the faithful.

This image depicts the baptismal font used in St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, Indiana. Etched on one side is the scene commemorating Christ’s baptism by John the Forerunner in the River Jordan, and the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry.

This image depicts the baptismal font used in St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church, Merrillville, Indiana. Etched on one side is the scene commemorating Christ’s baptism by John the Forerunner in the River Jordan, and the beginning of Christ’s earthly ministry.

The feast is called Theophany because at the baptism of Christ the Holy Trinity appeared clearly to mankind for the first time—the Father’s voice is heard from Heaven, the Son of God is incarnate and standing physically in the Jordan, and the Holy Spirit descends on Him in the form of a dove.

The services of Theophany are arranged similarly to those of the Nativity (Historically the Christmas services were established later).

On the morning of the feast, the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great is served. The Liturgy of the feast begins with psalms of glorification and praise instead of the three normal Antiphons. And the baptismal line from Galatians 3:27 replaces the Thrice-Holy.

For as many as been baptized into Christ have put on Christ: Alleluia.

The Gospel readings of the services tell of the Lord’s baptism by John in the Jordan River. The epistle reading of the Divine Liturgy tells of the consequences of the Lord’s appearing which is the divine epiphany.

Since the main feature of the feast is the blessing of water, it is prescribed to follow both the Divine Liturgy of the eve of the feast and the Divine Liturgy of the day itself. But most local parishes do it only once when most of the parishioners can be present. The blessing verifies that mankind, and all of creation, were created to be filled with the sanctifying presence of God.

In connection with the feast, it is traditional for the priest to visit all the homes of the faithful for their annual house blessing using the water that has been blessed at the Theophany services.

Look for a schedule of home blessings to be posted here soon at to learn the days where Father Marko will be in your community blessing homes.

Save-the-date St. Sava Day Celebration – Sunday, Jan. 30

By | General Information/News, Religious Observances, Sunday School
Save-the-date Sunday, January 30, 2022 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church – Merrillville, Indiana. Show your support for our Sunday School and make a donation today ( on our secure online donation form.
Join us as we celebrate St. Sava Day with the St. Sava Sunday School Children, Teachers, and Board featuring a special program and luncheon immediately after Divine Liturgy and cutting of the Kolach. Divine Liturgy begins at 10:00 a.m.

A message from His Grace Bishop Longin

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Peace of God! Christ is Born!

Truly He is Born!

“Our Savior, the dayspring from the East, has visited us from on high, and we, who were in darkness and shadow, have found the Truth, for the Lord is born from the Virgin”.
(Exapostellarion of the Nativity of Christ)

The Lord has once again visited us this year, dear brothers and sisters, bringing to us His peace and fulfilling His promise of returning us from death to life. In the economy of our salvation, the Lord planned to come to this world out of love for His creation—mankind—to save us from the world; to save us from eternal death and suffering. He comes to us in order to grant us life in abundance.

The life that comes from Life Himself is what lifts us up to the heavens, making our connection with God direct and strong, with no place for a weak bond. With His coming, the only place for disturbance in that connection is when our weaknesses and sinfulness are what divide us from Him. He has poured out all of His mercy on to us, and is only asking that we receive Him, give Him a place, and give Him a roof to be under, as the place He received through the manger. If we are willing, then our hearts become a temple with the entrance of His Divine Body and Blood at the Holy Mystery of Communion.

Let us take the opportunity of this season to prepare ourselves for the coming of the God-Child. Let us cleanse our hearts and souls of evil! Let us sweep away the sins and passions staining the floor of our hearts! Let us prepare a cradle out of good deeds so that He may have place to lay His head! This is the purpose of this time of year, which is God-inspired, preserved by our holy customs throughout the centuries and past down to us from our forefathers.

I greet all of you, my spiritual children in Christ, asking God to bless your families, homes, work and efforts for our Holy Church and your salvation. May the God-Man, our Lord Jesus Christ, protect us from all evil, sickness and distress, both now as we approach the Nativity, in the New Year and always.

Christ is Born!

Happy and Blessed New Year 2022!

His Grace Bishop



Мир Божији, Христос се роди!

Ваистину се роди!

“Спаситељ наш, извор са истока, нас је посетио с висине, а ми који седисмо у тами и

сенци смрти нађосмо Истину, јер се Господ оваплоти од Дјеве”.
(Свјетилен Рождества Христовог)

Господ нас опет и ове године посећује, драга браћо и сестре, доносећи нам Његов мир и испуњавајући Његово обећање о нашем повратку из смрти у живот. Господ долази у овај свет из љубави према Својој творевини – људском роду – да нас спасе од света, од вечне смрти и страдања, испуњавајући домострој спасења и дарујући нам живот у изобиљу. Живот који долази од Самог Живота ја оно што нас уздиже на небо, успоставњајући и учвршћујући нашу везу с Богом.

Након Христовог доласка, једино што може ослабити или пореметити ту везу је наша слабост и грешност. Он је Своју милост излио на нас а од нас очекује да је примимо, да му припремимо место и примимо под свој кров као што га ономад витлејемска пећина примила. Само ако желимо, наше срце може постати храм уласком Његовог Светог Тела и Крви кроз Свету Тајну Причешћа. Искористимо прилику овог предпразничног периода да се припремимо за долазак Богомладенца. Очистимо срца и душе од зла, страсти и греха који га прљају.

Припремимо те јаслице добрим делима да би Господ имао где да се у нама настани! Ово је сврха овог Богомданог поста који су и вековима држали наши преци и до данас очували.

Поздрављам вас све, драга духовна децо у Христу, молећи Господа да благослови ваше породице, домове, рад и труд у Светој Цркви и на вашем спасењу. Нека нас Богочовек, Господ наш Исус Христос заштити од сваког зла, болести и муке док прилазимо Рождеству Његовом, у новој години и у векове векова.

Христос се роди!

Срећна и благословена нова 2022 година!

Његово Преосвештенство Епископ


Celebrations begin Christmas Eve at St. Sava in Merrillville – Thursday, Jan.6

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Father Marko Matic blessing the Badnjak inside the Pavilion at St. Sava Church, Merrillville, Indiana.

Join us for the celebration of Orthodox Christmas beginning with Divine Liturgy taking place at 9:00 a.m. and Great Vespers taking place at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, January 6 at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church at 9191 Mississippi Street, Merrillville, Indiana.

The Blessing and burning of the Badnjak will take place immediately following the Great Vespers.

Divine Liturgy will take place Christmas morning beginning at 10:00 a.m. Friday, January 7.

The complete listing of services taking place during this special time of the year is listed below.

The Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak


Burning of the Badnjak outside the Pavilion at St. Sava Church, Merrillville, Indiana.

Have you ever brought a Badnjak into your home? Do you know that the Badnjak is the finest and foremost custom of all the many traditions by which our people enhance the Christmas celebration?

Click here to read an article explaining the Spiritual Meaning of the Badnjak.


THURSDAY, January 6th

  • CHRISTMAS EVE: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM. Great Vespers at 6:00PM. Blessing and burning of Badnjak.
  • БАДЊИ ДАН: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру. Празнично вечерње у 6:00 увече. Освећење и паљење Бадњака.

FRIDAY, January 7th

  • CHRISTMAS: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • БОЖИЋ: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

SATURDAY, January 8th

  • ALL HOLY MOTHER OF GOD FEAST: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • САБОР ПРЕСВЕТЕ БОГОРОДИЦЕ: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру

SUNDAY, January 9th

  • ST. STEPHEN THE ARCHDEACON: Divine Liturgy 9:30AM
  • СВЕТИ АРХИЂАКОН СТЕФАН: Света Литургија у 9:30 ујутру
  • Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy

FRIDAY, January 14th

  • ST. BASIL (SERBIAN NEW YEAR’S DAY): Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • СВ. ВАСИЛИЈЕ  (СРПСКА НОВА ГОДИНА): Св. Литургија у 9:00 ујутру

SUNDAY, January 16th

  • SUNDAY 30th   AFTER PENTECOST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • НЕДЕЉА 30. ПО ДУХОВИМА: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

WEDNESDAY, January 19th

  • HOLY THEOPHANY: Div. Liturgy and Great Blessing of Water at 9:00AM.
  • БОГОЈАВЉЕЊЕ: Св. Литургија и Велико освећење воде у 9:00 ујутру.

THURSDAY, January 20th

  • ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • СВЕТИ ЈОВАН КРСТИТЕЉ: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру
  • Cutting of Slava Kolach after Holy Liturgy

SUNDAY, January 23rd

  • SUNDAY 31th   AFTER PENTECOST: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM
  • НЕДЕЉА 31. ПО ДУХОВИМА: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру

THURSDAY, January 27th

  • ST. SAVA DAY: Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • СВЕТИ САВА: Света Литургија у 9:00 ујутру

SUNDAY, January 30th

  • ST. SAVA DAY CELEBRATION: Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM.  Blessing and cutting of Slava Kolach; Dinner and Program.
  • CABИНДАH: Света Литургија у 10:00 ујутру. Светосавска Прослава. Сечење Славског колача, ручак и програм.

His Holiness Patriarch PORFIRIJE to celebrate Holy Liturgy at St. Sava, Merrillville, Indiana – October 17

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His Holiness Patriarch PORFIRIJE will be making a special visit to celebrate Holy Liturgy at St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana on Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.

This special date will also mark the celebration of the 107th anniversary and the 30 year anniversary since the consecration of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church.

This will be the first visit to the United States for His Holiness PORFIRIJE and the public is invited to partake in this historic event, including the Divine Liturgy and banquet immediately following.

To ensure seating for this historic event reservations will be required.

Please respond by September 30, 2021 by calling 219-736-9191.

His Holiness the Archbishop of Pec, Metropolitan of Belgrade-Karlovci, and Serbian Patriarch +PORFIRIJE, is the 46th in line on the Blessed Throne of Serbian Patriarchs, and 55th successor of St. Sava as head of the Holy Serbian Church.

On February 18, 2021, he was elected by the Holy Assembly of Bishops of the Serbian Orthodox Church to succeed His Holiness Patriarch +IRINEJ of the Blessed Memory.

His Holiness Patriarch PORFIRIJE will be the keynote speaker during the program taking place October 17, 2021.

Schedule of October 17, 2021

  • 10:00 a.m. – Divine Hierarchial Liturgy, followed by Memorial Service and laying of Memorial Wreaths
  • 1:00 p.m. – Anniversary Banquet and Program at the St. Sava Event Center, Merrillville, Indiana
  • St. Sava Hymn – Children of St. Sava and Visiting Churches
  • Posting of Colors and National Anthem – S.S.S. Karageorge Choir and Visiting Choirs
  • Welcoming and Introduction of Guests
  • Remarks by Ted Erceg, former St. Sava President
  • Remarks by Very Reverend Jovan Todorovich
  • Greetings and Introduction of Special Guest by His Grace Bishop Longin
  • Key Note Speaker – His Holiness Patriarch PORFIRIJE

Blessing of Graves Memorial Day Weekend, May 29 – 31

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With the weekend of Memorial Day approaching, let us remember all of the departed from this life, their names and their deeds, and let us rededicate ourselves to work for peace and good will and love among all people.

Beginning Saturday, May 29 Father Marko Matic will be blessing graves at Graceland and Angelcrest cemeteries in Valparaiso. Sunday, May 30 Father Marko will be blessing graves at our Holy Cross Cemetery at St. Sava Church. Monday, May 31 Father Marko will be blessing graves at Calumet Park Cemetery in Merrillville and Oak Hill Cemetery in Gary. The complete list of times is available below.

In these days when so much is said about the high cost of living, it is fitting to pause on Memorial Day and acknowledge the great price that thousands of others have paid that we might live in this land of freedom, the United States of America.

Memorial Day came as a result of Civil War. This was America’s greatest war – in the lives that were lost, in the issues and principles at stake, in the fact that it was fought on American soil, and in the results that have come from it. American Land flowed red with blood in this terrible conflict. It was fitting that a solemn day of memory be set aside for such a conflict as that.

Just as the Jewish people have their feast of Passover to remind them of their freedom from Egyptian bondage, so America has its Memorial Day to remind us of the Salvation and rebirth of the United States as a free nation.

Since that time, Memorial Day has become a national holiday to honor the dead of all wars. Even more, it has become a day in which fitting remembrance is made of all of our relatives, kumovi and friends who rest in peace.

On this Memorial Day Weekend, let us remember all of the departed from this life, their names and their deeds, and let us rededicate ourselves to work for peace and good will and love among all people.

Memorial Day Weekend May 29-31, 2021

Services offered by Saint Sava Church


  • 10:00 a.m. – Parastos and blessing of graves at the Graceland Cemetery in Valparaiso
  • 12:00 p.m. – Parastos and blessing of graves at the Angelcrest Cemetery in Valparaiso


  • Parastos and blessing of graves at the Holy Cross Cemetery (at Saint Sava Church) immediately after Holy Liturgy


  • 10:00 a.m. – Parastos and blessing of graves at the Calumet Park Cemetery in Merrillville
  • 1:00 p.m. –  Parastos and blessing of graves at the Oak Hill Cemetery in Gary

View the Holy Week Schedule of Services at St. Sava in Merrillville

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Everyone is welcome to join with us at St. Sava in Merrillville, Indiana as we commemorate one of the most important times of the year in the Orthodox Church. A complete listing of the Holy Week Schedule of Services is listed below.

Holy Week Schedule of Services


  • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 – VRBICA
  • Holy Communion for children


  • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM


  • Presanctified Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Holy Unction Service: St. George Church Schererville – 6:00PM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • The Great Vigil: Reading of 12 Passion Gospels at 6:00PM


  • Morning Service / Royal Hours at 10:00AM
  • Vespers with laying of Holy Shroud and Funeral Service at 6:00PM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Resurrection Matins at 11:30PM

PASCHA – MAY 2nd 2021

  • Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Followed by cutting of Slava Kolac

Holy Week begins with Lazarus Saturday, Apr. 24 and Palm Sunday, Apr. 25

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Join us for a special day for children as we commemorate Lazarus Saturday (Vrbica Day) with Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion for children beginning at 10:00 a.m. and Confession beginning as early as 9:00 a.m. Saturday, April 24 at St. Sava Church in Merrillville.

Palm Sunday Services begin Sunday, April 25 at 10:00 a.m. with Confession beginning as early as 9:00 a.m.

This weekend marks the beginning of Holy Week with special services taking place daily. A complete list of services is available in the schedule below.

About Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday

Lazarus Saturday is the first day of the Great and Holy Week. On this day we commemorate Jesus raising his friend, Lazarus, from the dead. Lazarus Saturday is a paschal celebration, and is a preview of the Resurrection that we will celebrate one week later. At the Liturgy for this day, Christ is glorified as the Resurrection and the Life, and the baptismal verse “All you who have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ” replaces the Thrice Holy Hymn.  By raising Lazarus, Christ has confirmed that we all will one day be resurrected.

To gather pussywillows we walk in a festive procession on Lazarus Saturday. Coming back is particularly solemn. The clergy in their festive Garb are followed by festively dressed school children. They sing while they walk to the accompaniment of church bells. From the voices of innocent children who carry their willow twigs as a symbol of Christ’s victory reverberates, “HOSANNA…!” it is customary that each child is given a small bell which is rung during the procession thus proclaiming the Solemn Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem.

The picture remains indelible in the minds of children and continues into their later years. This is where the beauty of Orthodoxy is presented to them; this is where true dogmatic beliefs penetrate their souls to grasp resurrection from death. The beautiful holiday Troparion convinces them as well as nature which rested all winter and emerges to show itself stronger and more luxuriant.

Palm Sunday is the holiday which commemorates the solemn entry of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ into Jerusalem six days before the Passover (Matt. 12:1-12).

As Jesus neared the Mount of Olives, He sat on an ass and entered into the Holy City. Throngs of inspired people greeted Him as their King, singing and strewing their garments and green branches in His path as He rode. The crowds followed Him, carrying Palms in their hands and crying, “Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is He that comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!”

In remembrance of that event the first Christians established the holiday, Palm Sunday. With the celebration of Palm Sunday the custom to bless palm branches was established to celebrate Christ’s victory.

Even prior to the Christian era Palms were awarded as a sign of victory.  Palms, always green, are said by old beliefs, grown out of their ashes. It signifies the glory of a victor who deserves an immortal name.

Heroes were greeted and decorated with palms. Therefore, the people greeted the Savior with palms because nothing could have dissuaded His voluntary sufferings: no Gethsemane horrors, no injustice of Judean courts, no insidious leaders, not even His mother’s love nor Golgotha’s horrible sufferings.

In pictures, palms in the hands of angels or saints represent their victory over the earth and remind us of a beautiful place in Revelations, “Then I saw many people of all languages, generations and races standing before the throne and lamb, dressed in white garb, and palms in their hands.”

The word “palma” according to the Greek fine interpretation was a phoenix with which Christ was met, or in a wider interpretation may mean a bud or a shoot.

In regions where there are no palms, a willow is blessed because it is the first one to become green after winter. It reminds us of a general resurrection. Our presence at the church service with green willows in our hand witnesses our belief in Christ victory over death.

Holy Week Schedule of Services


  • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00 – VRBICA
  • Holy Communion for children


  • Confession at 9:00; Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM


  • Presanctified Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Holy Unction Service: St. George Church Schererville – 6:00PM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • The Great Vigil: Reading of 12 Passion Gospels at 6:00PM


  • Morning Service / Royal Hours at 10:00AM
  • Vespers with laying of Holy Shroud and Funeral Service at 6:00PM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Resurrection Matins at 11:30PM

PASCHA – MAY 2nd 2021

  • Divine Liturgy at 10:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM


  • Divine Liturgy at 9:00AM
  • Followed by cutting of Slava Kolac