Three days of Serb Fest ended months of preparation by the members (all volunteers).
of our parish. 1110 strudels, 3964 sarmas, 3862 palachinke, 280 nut rolls, 1350 krofne 160 lambs, 1650 pounds of cevaps, countless raznici and muchkalize, chicken dinners, and thousands of freshly-baked goods were served up cheerfully over that long weekend. 64 kegs of beer also disappeared. The hard work paid off, and now it’s time to save for future building on our church grounds.
A special thank you goes out to the Kolo Sisters who worked for 2 months this past hot summer to prepare the sarmas, nut rolls, and strudels, on their feet for hours.
Their names are:
Smilja Andrich, Helen and Kathy Baroevich, Danica Beslic, Kay Bozich, Mary Christoff, Stana Djinovich, Olga Dotlich, Manda Andrejich Ellison, Lillian Galich, Tamara Galich, Rada Gaslich, Zorka Glumac, Millie Griggs, Xenia Jancarich, Millie Kokotovich, Marilyn Leach, Mary Magurean, Dorothy Majstorovich, Sophie Makivich, Popadija Vesna Matic, Radmila Milivojevic, Millie Moncilovich, Loretta Nickovich, Mara Pokrajac, Ann and Beba Rudman, Nada Samardzija, Violet Sekulich, Olga and Sandy Shinovich, Barbara Skala, Florence Stefanovich, Lynn Svilar, Carolyn Tomich, Dragica Trikich, Slobodanka Vasiljevich, and Polly Vrtikapa. Mike Suvajac was also a great help. Your commitment is greatly appreciated.
More photos from Serb Fest 2007 were sent by Mileva Savich.
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