The St. Sava Sunday School in Merrillville, Indiana has just kicked off their Yankee Candle® Fundraiser and they need your help!
The Sunday School is raising funds for special programs and materials. The group earns 40% of every dollar you spend.
If you know a Sunday School student at St. Sava, you can make purchases from their order forms and you’ll have the chance to ask them about their favorite parts of the Sunday School experience!
Even if you don’t personally know a Sunday School student, or if you live too far away, you can still support the Sunday School by making purchases online through a special online store that credits the Sunday School fundraising directly and items are shipped direct to your door.
href="#" data-color-override="false" data-hover-color-override="false" data-hover-text-color-override="#fff">Button TextSimply click here to see the exciting collection of America’s Best Loved Candles™, candle accessories, flameless fragrance and assorted gift wrap. Shop online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week – everything is shipped directly to you.
If you are having trouble with the above link, you may copy and paste the following link in to your browser:
Or you can also click here to shop now online.
The St. Sava Sunday School fundraiser will be running for a limited time from March 6, 2016 through March 20, 2016. Please help the Sunday School by placing your order before the end of the sale.