It is the time of the year where members of St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Church in Merrillville, Indiana may have homes blessed by Father Marko. The 2016 Schedule for Blessing of Homes is now available for download in both Serbian and English languages.
If you live in one of the areas listed below for dates that have already passed and would like to schedule to have your home blessed, please call the Church Office at 219-736-9191 during regular business hours between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Blessing of Homes – Schedule 2016
Dear Members and Parishioners,
It is time for the blessing of homes. The following schedule will inform you as to when I will be in your area.
- Chesterton, Valparaiso
- From Thursday, January 21st to Thursday, January 28th
- Portage, Ogden Dunes
- From Friday, January 29th to Tuesday, February 2nd
- Hobart
- From Wednesday, February 3rd to Sunday, February 7th
- Hebron, Kouts, La Crosse, Demotte,
- From Monday, February 8th to Wednesday, February 10th
- Crown Point
- From Thursday, February 11th to Thursday, February 18th
- Gary, Merrillville
- From Friday, February 19th to Sunday, February 21st
- Schererville, Dyer, St. John, Cedar Lake, Lowell
- From Monday, February 22nd to Friday, February 26th
- Hammond, Munster, Highland, Griffith
- From Saturday, February 27th to Wednesday, March 2nd
- Chicago
- From Thursday, March 3rd to Sunday, March 13th
With God`s blessing,
Father Marko Matic
Драги наши чланови и парохијани,
Време је благосиљања и освећења домова. Распоред који шаљем, помоћи ће вам да знате када намеравам да будем у вашем месту.
- Chesterton, Valparaiso
- Од четвртка, 21. јануара до четвртка, 28. јануара
- Portage, Ogden Dunes
- Од петка, 29. јануара до уторка, 2. фебруара
- Hobart
- Од среде, 3. фебруара до недеље, 7. фебруара
- Hebron, Kouts, La Crosse, Demotte
- Од понедељка, 8.фебруара до среде, 10. фебруара
- Crown Point
- Од четвртка, 11. фебруара до четвртка, 18. фебруара
- Gary, Merrillville
- Од петка, 19. фебруара до недеље, 21. фебруара
- Schererville, Dyer, St. John, Cedar Lake, Lowell
- Од понедељка, 22. фебруара до петка, 26. фебруара
- Hammond, Munster, Highland, Griffith
- Од суботе, 27. фебруара до среде, 2. марта
- Chicago
- Од четвртка, 3. марта до недеље, 13. марта
С Божијим благословом,
Отац Марко Матић
About Blessing of Homes and Preparation
It is an Orthodox Tradition for the priest to visit his parishioners at their homes and performs the lesser blessing of water.
The purposes of this Holy Tradition are:
- That God will mercifully hear the prayers which are offered by the family.
- That the Almighty and Eternal Lord will send His holy angels to protect, save, watch, visit and safeguard the family members from evil powers.
- That the faithful who are sprinkled with Holy Water may be free from every unclean and satanic action.
- That the air in the home may be clean and healthy.
- That all strange powers which may create insecurity to the family will be removed by the grace of God.
When the priest comes to a home to perform such a service, it is appropriate for the host family to be prepared in the following manner:
- The house should be clean and in order.
- The vigil, if there is one, before the icon should be lit.
- There should be a candle with matches beside it.
- A plate or bowl with a little water should be placed on the table, turn toward the east and the icon.
- A list of names of the living members.
- Doors of the rooms where you wish the priest to enter and sprinkle the Holy Water should be kept open.
After the blessing, if the family does not wish to keep the holy water, it is appropriate to pour it over a plant, flower, under a tree, or any place where it will not be stepped on.