Over 1500 people are expected to attend between Thursday and Sunday and we want to be gracious hosts for all the guests because this event will help to generate much needed revenue for our church.
We need your time and talents, asking for your help as a volunteer in the following areas: Kitchen, Bar, and General Support.
PLEASE VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME BY PHONING THE CHURCH OFFICE at 219-736-9191 and indicating the time and area you will be able to volunteer based upon the listing below.[/fusion_text][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Current Volunteer Commitment Levels[/title][two_fifth last=”no” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][fusion_text]
Help us move the volunteer commitment levels from red to green. Call the Church Office at 219-736-9191 to volunteer today!
[/fusion_text][/two_fifth][three_fifth last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][progress percentage=”3″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#81d742″ unfilledcolor=”#dd3333″ striped=”yes” animated_stripes=”yes” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Current Kitchen Volunteer Commitment[/progress][progress percentage=”4″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#81d742″ unfilledcolor=”#dd3333″ striped=”no” animated_stripes=”no” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Current Bar Volunteer Commitment[/progress][progress percentage=”1″ unit=”%” filledcolor=”#81d742″ unfilledcolor=”#dd3333″ striped=”no” animated_stripes=”no” textcolor=”” class=”” id=””]Current General Volunteer Commitment[/progress][/three_fifth][one_full last=”yes” spacing=”yes” center_content=”no” hide_on_mobile=”no” background_color=”” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” background_position=”left top” border_size=”0px” border_color=”” border_style=”” padding=”” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=”” animation_type=”” animation_direction=”” animation_speed=”0.1″ class=”” id=””][title size=”1″ content_align=”left” style_type=”default” sep_color=”” class=”” id=””]Select A Volunteer Option Below[/title][fusion_text]Select a location, time, and role from the options listed below and call the Church Office at 219-736-9191 to confirm your volunteer status.[/fusion_text][fusion_text]KITCHEN Volunteers
Tuesday, June 2
- 9:00AM
- 4 – 5 Volunteers needed to begin food preparation, organizing, and cooking.
Wednesday June 3
- 9:00AM
- 4 – 5 Volunteers needed to continue food preparation and cooking.
Thursday June 4
- 9:00AM
- 4 – 5 Volunteers needed to continue food preparation and cooking.
- 4:00PM
- 3 Volunteers to grill cevaps, pljeskavica, hamburgers.
- 2 Volunteers to work the fryers
- 3 Volunteers to work the hot line
- 2 Volunteers to work the cold side – salads
- 2 Volunteers to bag bread
- 2 Dishwashers
Friday June 5
- 10:00AM
- 10 Volunteers to begin food preparation and cooking
- 4:00PM
- 3 Volunteers on fryers
- 3 Volunteers to grill
- 4 Volunteers working the hot line
- 2 Volunteers working the cold side – salads
- 2 Volunteers to bag bread
- 2 Dishwashers
- 2 – 3 Volunteers to clean up and wrap food
Saturday June 6
- 10:00AM
- 10 Volunteers to begin food preparation and cooking
- 4:00PM
- 3 Volunteers on fryers
- 3 Volunteers to grill
- 4 Volunteers working on the hot line
- 3 Volunteers working the cold side – salads
- 2 Volunteers to bag bread
- 3 Dishwashers
- 3 Volunteers to clean up and wrap food.
Sunday June 7
- 8:00AM
- 10 Volunteers to begin food preparation
- 10:00AM
- 2 Volunteers on fryers
- 3 Volunteers to grill
- 4 Volunteers working on the hot line
- 3 Volunteers working the cold side – salads
- 2 Volunteers to bag bread
- 3 Dishwashers
- 4 Volunteers to clean up and wrap food.
BAR Volunteers
Thursday June 6
- Noon – 6:00PM
- Set up Volunteers
- 6:00PM – 9:00PM
- Bartenders Keg Runners
- 9:00PM – Midnight
- Bartenders Keg Runners
Friday June 7
- Noon – 3:00PM
- Bartenders
- 3:00PM – 6:00PM
- Bartenders
Saturday June 8
- Noon – 3:00PM
- Bartenders
- 3:00PM – 6:00PM
- Bartenders
Sunday June 9
- 11:00AM – 4:00PM
- Bartenders
GENERAL Volunteers
- We will also need help in setting up during the day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.